Thursday, May 30, 2013

Dr. Michael Brown Debates Tovia Singer

This is probably the best of the audio debates between a believer in Jesus and an anti-missionary. Tovia Singer debates quite well at the popular level. He is well-prepared for engaging objections by laypeople. As this debate shows, he is not quite as skilled at debating real scholars. One of my goals in the next few years is to get anti-missionaries into debate against high-level Christian scholars in order to show that the anti-missionary arguments, which look so great on the surface, are actually quite weak.


  1. Thank you for the resource. I never actually thought I would hear that Singer debated Brown.

    It's good to see you posting again. I was a little worried Troki had convinced you. xD

  2. Was this debate recent? I ask because during the debate, halfway through, Tovia said that the 20th C is not quite over.

  3. The debate was in 1991. Tovia posts his debates and sells DVDs of them. However, this is not among them. I called Tovia and asked him why. He said he did not like the recording of this debate because the tape was edited.

    I asked Michael Brown about that, and he said that the debate had to be edited down to fit on a 90 minute tape. Both he and Tovia went through the debate with a fine tooth comb to edit out extraneous calls, and both signed off on it.


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